Aerocool nous dévoile Aerobot, sa superbe mascotte qui tue

publié le 19 Décembre 2014 à 10:36 par Vanseb

Ce matin, nous ne parlerons pas d'un nouveau produit pour Aerocool, mais juste de sa nouvelle mascotte : Aerobot.
Une mascotte qui en dit finalement long sur les envies de la marque, celle-ci étant un robot surpuissant avec des trucs qui font piou piou piou et cie.

Where it all began...

AEROBOT, the mascot of Aeroocol has finally came to being after months long planning, discussions and designing. Five body parts (right arm/left arm/right leg/left leg/body and head) and five Industrial Designers, Aerobot is a mixture of creativity combined. The initial purpose of this project was to give a boost of moral around the designers to design something else other than computer related products and yet challenging and fun. From this project we saw how the parts came together nicely without contradiction and awkwardness when one of the criteria for the designers was not to know how other parts were designed. As the robot began to take shape, out of excitement, designers added in a sword and a gun to Aerobot so that the robot is now a complete fighting machine in Aerocool style. At this stage the graphic designers also became involved in this project and started to put Aerobot in all kinds of backdrops and produced very cool looking wallpapers. You are welcomed to download and share these wallpapers.

Beaucoup de blabla pour finalement retenir une chose : le style de la marque ne risque pas de s'assagir, loin de là.
Pour les amateurs, c'est ici ! En espérant tout de même trouver des boitiers qui suivent la direction prise avec les excellents XPredator par la suite, la gamme Strike X étant vraiment too much pour nos sensibles mirettes.