MOUNTAIN annonce l'intégration de macros OBS à son clavier Everest

publié le 02 Juillet 2021 à 08:56 par Vanseb

Alors que le clavier Everest de MOUNTAIN n'est pas encore disponible dans nos contrées, voici une petite nouvelle qui apporte un nouvel argument en sa faveur, du moins pour tous les amateurs de streaming : le logiciel de gestion Base Camp prend désormais en charge des raccourcis OBS, ce qui permet de gagner en simplicité sur la gestion de son stream.

MOUNTAIN is all about user-centric design, which has us laser-focused on the needs and wants of gamers and content creators,” says Tobias Brinkmann, Founder and CEO of MOUNTAIN. “Gaming and streaming go hand in hand, and OBS is the gold standard for streamers. We’re excited to integrate OBS Studio controls to offer MOUNTAIN users easy access to all the tools they need in an easy-to-use package with Base Camp™.

Everest Max’ Display Keys are perfect to control streaming and recording functions. The integration of OBS Studio functions into Base Camp™ will make streaming easier and more readily available to gamers”, added Bram Rongen, Brand Strategy Manager of MOUNTAIN. “A vast array of different control features allows for elaborate setups as well and is perfect for content creation.