The Last of Us Part I : FSR 2.2 versus DLSS

publié le 04 Avril 2023 à 10:52 par jonh

Le site Techpower Up vient de publier un nouveau dossier sur un célèbre portage, The Last of Us Part I: FSR 2.2 vs. DLSS Comparison Review, cela nous permet de juger de la qualité des deux technologies d'upscaling et des gains escomptés, que notre confrère évalue à environ 30% en mode qualité.

Il ressort également que la technologie de NVIDIA est plus qualitative, tout en offrant un gain légèrement supérieur. TPU relève un scintillement sur les objets en acier, présent avec les deux technologees DLSS et FSR.

The Last of Us Part I is out now on PC, with plenty of additional visual enhancements over its PlayStation 5 release, such as higher quality textures, higher quality screen space and real-time reflections, full support for ultra-wide screens and more. The Last of Us Part I also has support for NVIDIA's DLSS Super Resolution (DLSS 3.1), and AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.2 (FSR 2.2) from day one. In order to run this game at maximum graphics settings and reasonable framerates at native resolution, quite a powerful GPU is required, which is why upscaling solutions are so important. But depending on the game, there are subtle differences in the implementation of NVIDIA's DLSS Super Resolution (DLSS 3.1), and AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.2 (FSR 2.2), so we are keen to have a look at these temporal upscalers in this game.