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Passer d'une RTX 2070 à une RTX 4070 : un changement intéressant ?

Le site Techspot nous propose un nouveau dossier GeForce RTX 4070 vs. RTX 2070: Worthy Upgrade or Not?, alors ce saut de génération est-il pertinent ?
Pour rappel, la RTX 2070 fut proposée à 500 £ (prix MSRP), tandis que la RTX 4070 est sortie à 600 £ (prix MSRP), nos confrères constatent des gains quantifiables à 100 %, mais regrettent une progression plus timide par rapport à la génération RTX 3000 et la hausse de tarif.

rtx2070 rtx4070

rtx2070 rtx4070

Today, we're dusting off the old GeForce RTX 2070 to see how it holds up today against the newer RTX 4070. Of course, the RTX 4070 is going to be faster; the question is how much faster, and is it a viable upgrade for those who have been holding out for the past 5 years? To find out, we have a 40-game benchmark covering the 1080p, 1440p, and 4K resolutions.

The GeForce RTX 2070 is now a 5-year-old product as we just noted, released back in October 2018 at an MSRP of $500 – or $600 if you were willing to get rolled on the Founders Edition model. So let's say $500, and that means 5 years later, you now have the opportunity to purchase the RTX 4070 for $100 more at $600, but is it finally time to upgrade?

Marque : NVIDIA
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Posté le 16 Mai 2023 à 14:27 par Jonathan Riemain

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