AMD propose les drivers Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.1 Hotfix

publié le 04 Novembre 2016 à 10:42 par jonh

AMD nous propose de nouveaux drivers, les Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.1 Hotfix. Ces derniers devraient apporter des performances optimales Call of Duty™: Infinite Warfare et Call of Duty™: Modern Warfare Remastered.
AMD propose également un profil CrossFire dédié au jeu Titanfall 2.

De nombreux bugs ont été corrigés :

- AMD XConnect Technology will now allow Microsoft Office applications to migrate to iGPU on unplug.
- Flickering may be observed on some surfaces in a few maps or locations in Battlefield 1 in AMD CrossFire mode.
- Radeon R9 390 graphics series may experience a crash or application hang when running Unigine Heaven using OpenGL.
- The Radeon WattMan feature may intermittently display a Radeon Software popup error regarding Radeon WattMan for non-supported products.
- The Division may experience an application freeze or hang when running in AMD CrossFire mode after extended periods of play.
- OBS screen capture may stutter after extended periods of use while capturing video and watching or streaming content in a web browser.

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