AMD propose les drivers Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.4.3

publié le 19 Avril 2017 à 07:16 par jonh

AMD profite de la sortie de ses nouvelles cartes graphiques RX 500 pour nous proposer de nouveaux drivers les Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.4.3.
Le nouveau driver supporte évidemment les nouvelles RX 500 et remonte dans le passé jusqu'aux HD 7700 - HD 7900. Pour les versions mobiles cela inclut les générations allant de HD 7700M - HD 7900M à R9 M3​00.

Known Issues

- Radeon WattMan may fail to apply settings on some Radeon R9 390 series graphics products.
- Radeon Settings may crash on switching Windows® user after toggling AMD CrossFire™ technology mode.
- A small amount of apps may still experience issues with Borderless Fullscreen mode and AMD FreeSync™ technology if other applications or game launchers are running on the primary screen in the background.
- Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive and World of Warcraft™ may experience flickering or performance issues the first time the game is launched on a system boot with AMD FreeSync™ technology enabled. Workarounds include exiting and restarting the application or task switching (alt+tab) in and out of the game to fix the issue.

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