AMD propose les drivers Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.9.1

publié le 08 Septembre 2017 à 10:53 par jonh

AMD nous propose de nouveaux drivers, les Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.9.1. Les nouveaux venus se concentrent sur la correction de bugs rencontrés par les utilisateurs.

Fixed Issues

- After resuming from sleep and playing back video content the system may become unresponsive on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products.
- Radeon ReLive Toolbar and Instant Replay features may experience issues or fail to work when playing Guild Wars 2.
- Mouse stuttering may be observed on some Radeon RX graphics products when Radeon WattMan is open and running in the background or other third party GPU information polling apps are running in the background.
- Radeon Software Installer may shrink or appear very small when installing on some 4K HDTVs.
- Radeon Settings may sometimes experience a hang or crash when viewing the Display tab.
- Moonlight Blade may fail to launch on some Radeon Graphics Core Next series products.
- Titanfall 2 may experience a hang or crash on some Radeon GCN1.0 series graphics products.
- Random corruption may appear in Microsoft desktop productivity applications.

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