Metro 2033 va normalement être adapté en film

publié le 27 Août 2019 à 11:41 par jonh

La série de jeux issue des romans Metro 2033 ont marqué le paysage vidéoludique, l'angoisse pourrait donc poindre en apprenant qu'une adaptation cinématographique est en préparation.

Calmez-vous, veuillez cesser d'angoisser, ranger votre masque à gaz et votre AK 47. L’adaptation devrait être bien plus sérieuse que les films Far Cray ou DOOM, pour une raison évidente de base, le film sera tiré des romans et non des jeux vidéo !

"The book by this Russian author has become known throughout the world, and it is embedded in the cultural code of sci-fi fans and gamers all over the planet. For us and Gazprom Media Holding, this is a dream project, the most ambitious and large-scale film that we have ever launched. We intend to invest an unprecedented sum … in the production and promotion of this movie both in Russia and abroad.” Valery Fedorovich, producer

"Metro 2033’ is my first novel. It played a very special role in my life, and, despite getting numerous offers to [adapt it for the screen], I turned them all down for over 10 years. In Russia, I didn’t see any producers who could make a good [screen adaptation of] this book. It just seemed impossible. But now I finally met a team that I can entrust ‘Metro’ with. Our ambitions turned out to be similar: to create a world-class blockbuster and stun even those who have read the trilogy and know it by heart. So as not to disappoint them, I am ready to become a creative producer of the movie and help create it with both my advice and action.” Dmitry Glukhovsky.

"In the last decades, a real mass culture cult of post-apocalyptic fiction has taken shape in our country, therefore, it bears great box-office potential. Books by the Strugatsky Brothers and Dmitry Glukhovsky, ‘The Fallout’ and ‘The Last of Us’ video games, the ‘Walking Dead’ series, and the ‘Mad Max’ [movies] are just a few titles on the list of those that are popular with Russians of all ages. That’s why we are planning the largest-scale advertising campaign we have ever done.” Evgeniy Nikishov, producer

"Metro 2033’ is a cult novel that has played a great role in the development of a whole generation. Regarding cinema production, this work is difficult to adapt for the screen but it will undoubtedly pay off as a major hit at the box office.” Vadim Vereshchagin, producer

En lisant les déclarations, on devine que les producteurs semblent très attachés à l'univers particuliers des romans et qu'ils semblent souhaiter leurs offrir une adaptation digne. D'autre part, l'auteur des romans a refusé pendant dix ans d'autoriser une adaptation cinématographique hollywoodienne et pense avoir trouvé l'équipe parfaite pour ce projet, il semble même prêt à endosser un rôle de producteur créatif pour garantir la qualité du film.

Le film devrait être dévoilé le 1er janvier 2022.