Nvidia parle de la technologie Ray Tracing

publié le 20 Décembre 2019 à 15:25 par jonh

Nvidia parle de la technologie Ray Tracing. Nous le savons depuis l’avènement des RTX, Nvidia est très attaché à cette technologie, voici donc une vidéo explicative .Avec un laïus sur les origines, les évolutions et les apports pour nos jeux vidéo.

In February 2019, NVIDIA published Ray Tracing Gems, a deep-dive into best practices for real-time ray tracing. The book was made free-to-download, in an effort to help all developers embrace the bleeding edge of rendering technology.

Ray Tracing Essentials is a seven-part video series hosted by the editor of Ray Tracing Gems, NVIDIA’s Eric Haines. The aim of this program is to make developers cognizant of various terms and concepts used in the field, while also inspiring them with dramatic and beautiful uses of the technology.

In Part 1: Basics of Ray Tracing, Haines runs through the basics of ray and path tracing. To begin, he defines a ray and notes how it is useful for different operations in computer graphics. Rays can be cast to test for shadows, for example. “In 1980, Whitted introduced the idea of recursive ray casting, known as ray tracing. Cook and others in 1984 explored how bursts of rays could create more elaborate effects, such as soft shadows and glossy reflections. Kajiya introduced the Rendering Equation in 1986, showing how it could be solved using path tracing,” explains Haines. “This whole field of ray tracing takes an extremely simple primitive – the ray – and explores how to most effectively use it to create images of unparalleled realism.”

Les prochaines vidéos seront diffusées à partir de Janvier 2020 à un rythme hebdomadaire.