CES 2020 : la CEO d'AMD Lisa Su confirme l'arrivée d'un GPU haut de gamme et du Ray Tracing

publié le 08 Janvier 2020 à 15:56 par jonh

En marge de la conférence, la CEO d'AMD, Lisa Su avait convié quelques journalistes, afin qu'ils puissent poser directement leurs questions.

Nos confrères d'Anadtech ont raporté les questions très pertinentes sur le futur des GPUs. Lisa Su a confirmé l'arrivée prochaine de la gestion du Ray Tracing, elle évoque même l'année 2020 et a levé un doute à ce sujet, oui les consoles de nouvelles générations géreront le Ray Tracing et cela sera possible grâce à une puce graphique AMD.

"AnandTech: One of Intel’s marketing points has been that in order to get the best graphics in a laptop, such as the RTX 2080 and above, is to get an Intel laptop. Can you say if any of your OEM partners are going to partner the new Ryzen Mobile hardware with the best in the graphics market?

LS: As you can imagine, I’m not going to preannounce designs from our OEM partners, but I would say that you should believe that we are on a clear mission, and that mission is to have AMD in more premium designs for both the consumer and commercial markets. That’s not just our focus today, in 2020, but beyond 2020 also.

Dean Takahashi, VentureBeat: Is real time ray-tracing in graphics going to be as big as NVIDIA says it is?

LS: I’ve said in the past that ray tracing is important, and I still believe that, but if you look at where we are today it is still very early. We are investing heavily in ray tracing and investing heavily in the ecosystem around it – both of our console partners have also said that they are using ray tracing. You should expect that our discrete graphics as we go through 2020 will also have ray tracing. I do believe though it is still very early, and the ecosystem needs to develop. We need more games and more software and more applications to take advantage of it. At AMD, we feel very good about our position on ray tracing."

"AnandTech: The rearchitect of Vega for 7nm has been given a +56% performance increase. Does this mean that there was a lot left on the table with the design for 14/12nm? I’m trying to understand how you were able to pull so much extra performance from a simple process node change.

LS: When we put Vega into a mobile form factor with Ryzen 4000, we learned a lot about power optimization. 7nm was a part of it sure, but it was also a very power optimized design of that architecture. The really good thing about that is that what we learned is all applicable to Navi as well. David’s team put a huge focus on performance per watt, and that really comes out of the mobile form factor, and so I’m pleased with what they are doing. You will see a lot of that technology will also impact when you see Navi in a mobile form factor as well.

AnandTech: Normally when you go after efficiency, there’s not always a positive correlation on frequency, but somehow you’re able to drive higher frequencies on the Mobile APUs on 7nm. Is there a special sauce?

LS: A lot of hard work has gone into this design!

Gordon Ung, PC World: Do you think that AMD has to have a high-end competitor in the discrete graphics market?

LS: [laughs] I know those on Reddit want a high end Navi! You should expect that we will have a high-end Navi, and that it is important to have it. The discrete graphics market, especially at the high end, is very important to us. So you should expect that we will have a high-end Navi, although I don’t usually comment on unannounced products."

La CEO confirme donc également qu'AMD travaille sur un GPU haut de gamme, basé sur l'architecture Navi.