Un dossier complet sur le GPU Compute render avec 20 cartes graphiques

publié le 28 Février 2020 à 12:06 par jonh

Nos confrères de Guru 3D proposent un intéressant dossier sur le GPU Compute render avec 20 cartes graphiques convoquées et benchées sur les logiciels Indigo, Vray et Blender.

Les cartes concernées :

"Over the past year or so, we have received a good number of request from the (semi) professional end-users out there that would like to see how GPUs perform in the realm of content creation. Obviously there are many workloads you can fire off at a GPU, but in specific the most interesting feature is content creation aka GPU assisted rendering, not to confuse with Hybrid game based Raytracing. Last year we started including Vray results, based on that request in our article to address just that question, a software suite that has been showing (unfortunately) inconsistent results thus far. In the last year, however, several software suites have been updated. The Chaos Group released VRAY-Next, for which we had high hopes of better consistency and Radeon support, however, they remain CUDA exclusive. Also, Indigo is at build v4 and of course, there's Blender now at v2.82 and a wide variety of GPU Compute API support."