Fractal s'interroge sur son prochaine Node et requiert vos avis

publié le 20 Mai 2020 à 09:34 par Vanseb

Bonne nouvelle, la série Node de Fractal n'est pas morte, loin de là, et la marque semble même activement étudier un nouveau modèle. Mais histoire d'aller dans le bon sens, c'est à dire satisfaire un maximum de clients potentiels et donc maximiser les ventes, la marque veut connaitre l'avis des personnes intéressées et lance donc une consultation sur inscription.

Pour essayer de participer, ça se passe ici, avec ensuite quatre phases de dialogue en juin, en anglais.

We're partnering up with the real experts.

We are searching high and low for present (and former) Node-users, preferably strong-minded ones with very clear ideas on what the original series got right – and what it didn’t.

Throughout June, we want to put together a group of Node know-how experts that can help pave the way for the next generation of Node cases.

It’ll be low on multiple-choice questions and high on open-ended, actual discussions. We want to better understand how you see and experience the Node. If you are as passionate as we are about cases (and would like to have a part in developing the next generation of Node), now is the time.

Registration is open from May 19th until May 24th. Approved applicants will be contacted via e-mail. The online panel consists of a minimum of 1 discussion topic per week and will be taking place over the course of 4 weeks in June. All questions and answers will be in English.

Are you game?