Le prochain Saints Row repoussé au 23 août prochain

publié le 17 Novembre 2021 à 13:47 par Vanseb

Si vous pensiez pouvoir profiter du prochain Saints Row au chaud pendant les vacances d'hiver, selon la zone et les congés pour ceux qui travaillent, voilà une mauvaise nouvelle : il faudra attendre août pour en profiter, plus exactement le 23. Cela dit, avec un peu de philosophie, on peut se dire qu'on jouera aussi au chaud...

Patience donc !

Saints Row will no longer release on the originally announced date of 25th February 2022, instead it will launch worldwide on 23rd August 2022. Our priority is to create the best Saints Row game yet and, if we released on the original date, it wouldn’t be up to the standards we’ve set ourselves, and that you’re expecting and deserve. The team just need more time to do our vision justice; we’re doing some fine tuning and there won’t be much change in the game outside of overall quality and polish. In all honesty, we underestimated the impact COVID would have on our schedule, although everyone adapted very quickly to the working from home arrangement and continued to be incredibly productive.