Electronic Arts et Lucasfilm vont poursuivre leur collaboration afin de proposer de nouveaux jeux Star Wars

publié le 26 Janvier 2022 à 12:39 par jonh

Tout comme les films, les jeux tirés de l'univers de Star Wars sont des sujets hautement épineux. La déclaration conjointe d'Electronic Arts et LucasFilm devrait en ravir certains, leur collaboration va se perpétuer et pas moins de trois projets sont en cours de développement. On évoque un opus issu de la licence Star Wars Jedi, potentiellement une suite à Star Wars Jedi : Fallen Order, un FPS et un jeu de jeu de stratégie-tactique. Le studio Respawn Entertainment superviserait les trois projets, avec l'aide de deux autres studios pour le développement.

"We are excited to continue working with the superbly talented developers at Respawn," said Douglas Reilly, VP, Lucasfilm Games. "They have demonstrated excellence in telling epic Star Wars stories along with best-in-class gameplay across different genres and we are looking forward to bringing more amazing experiences to the galaxy far, far away."

"Building on the previous successes of our EA relationship, this new collaboration highlights the trust and mutual respect shared between the world-class teams at EA, Respawn and Lucasfilm Games," said Sean Shoptaw, SVP, Walt Disney Games. "Fostered by the expertise and passion within each team, we will create thrilling original games for diverse audiences across the Star Wars galaxy."

"Working with Lucasfilm Games on a new FPS in the Star Wars galaxy is a dream come true for me, as this is a story I have always wanted to tell," said Peter Hirschmann, game director at Respawn.

"We are huge fans of Star Wars here at Respawn and we're thrilled to work with Lucasfilm Games on new titles that we have wanted to make for years," said Zampella. "If you want to make great Star Wars games, you should come join us on our journey."