Comparatif de performances avec DLSS et FSR dans le jeu Cyberpunk 2077

publié le 17 Février 2022 à 08:56 par jonh

La récente mise à jour du jeu Cyberpunk 2077 a apporté le support de la technologie FSR d'AMD, nos confrères de Techpower Up nous proposent donc un comparatif entre les technologies DLSS de Nvidia et FSR d'AMD.

Cyberpunk 2077 recently received a next-gen update with new enhancements to the game graphics, such as an improved lighting system and ray traced local shadows. On PC, the developers also added support for AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR). With the improved lighting system and addition of ray traced local shadows on PC, the game is now even more GPU demanding than before. In order to run this game at maximum graphics settings and reasonable framerates at native resolution, quite a powerful GPU is required, which is why upscaling solutions are so important. Depending on the game, there are subtle differences in the implementation of NVIDIA's Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) and AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR), so we are keen to have a look at both in this game.