Far Cry Return : une suite imaginée par un fan

publié le 27 Avril 2022 à 10:34 par jonh

Far Cry Return est un projet porté par Leonj_, le but est d'offrir une suite au mythique jeu Far Cry. Le modder promet de nouveaux graphismes, un gameplay repensé, une meilleure IA, de nouveaux protagonistes, de nouveaux animaux sauvages, une météo dynamique...

Le projet semble ambitieux et espérons qu'il puisse aboutir, voici la page dédiée.

Jack Carver, Alex Darer, Velda Lange — are main characters who will play the main role of islands. They will explore a secrets of world and Krieger's plans to choose a future of the humanity alternative.

After the explosion of the crater of the volcano, everything so simply did not remain. Mutants, virus, new goverment...

The new government quickly intercepts ownership of the corporation in their hands to continue evil projects in laboratories for the mercenary purposes of the black aristocracy and the rest of the puppeteers.

Jack and Alex together expiremental weapon (human in the guise of a woman) with name Velda Lange are not going to stop all this, they are going to change the terms of the game. Many events make Jack go against his ideas to get rid of the corporation and sinister manipulations by puppeteers, because any war is already a defeat.

Characters that are completely different in nature will be forced to unite in order to survive and leave everything to chance, with a vivid example for all of humanity of the results of events such as punishment based on a causal relationship or release and lights. Victories of mind and creation, or destruction and cold egocentrism.

Welcome to the Far Cry Return.