Un dossier sur la technologie FSR dans le jeu Resident Evil 4 Remake

publié le 27 Mars 2023 à 10:43 par jonh

Le site Techpower Up nous dévoile un nouveau dossier portant sur le jeu Resident Evil 4 Remake. Le titre de Capcom intègre, en effet, la technologie FSR, nos confrères vous permettent donc de comparer les différents rendus, TAA, FSR 1.0 et FSR 2.1, tout en quantifiant les gains.
Le site relève un certain flou et des problèmes de scintillement lors de l'activation de la technologie d'AMD et constate un gain faible avec l'itération 2.1 !

Resident Evil 4 Remake is out now on PC, with plenty of additional visual enhancements over its PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series release, such as higher quality ray traced reflections, higher quality ambient occlusion (AMD's FidelityFX CACAO), higher resolution for textures, support for ultra-wide screens (except the cutscenes), and this version on PC also has support for AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 (FSR 1.0), AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.1 (FSR 2.1) and RE Engine's interlaced checkerboard rendering mode. Unfortunately, there is no official support for NVIDIA's DLSS Super Resolution or NVIDIA's Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing (DLAA), so the FSR 1.0, FSR 2.1 and interlaced rendering mode are the only available options for upscaling. In order to run this game at maximum graphics settings and reasonable framerates at native resolution, quite a powerful GPU is required, which is why upscaling solutions are so important. But depending on the game, there are subtle differences in the implementation of AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 (FSR 1.0) and AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.1 (FSR 2.1), so we are keen to have a look at these upscalers in this game.