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[Jeu gratuit] ORWELL (terminé)  

Proposé par MrCrisis,
le 17/08/2018.
Vu 987 fois
68 clics
Noté 0 fois
Ancien prix : 9.00€

Un petit jeu gratuit. Je connais pas, mais bon sa reste gratuit.

edit: Big Brother has arrived - and it’s you. Investigate the lives of citizens to find those responsible for a series of terror attacks. Information from the internet, personal communications and private files are all accessible to you. But, be warned, the information you supply will have consequences…

Orwell is a new governmental security program that has the power to survey the online presence of every person in The Nation. It can monitor all personal communications and access any computer. To preserve the privacy of citizens, human researchers examine the data Orwell finds and decide which pieces of information should be passed on to the security forces, and which should be rejected.
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