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AMD nous propose les nouveaux drivers Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.1 Highlights

AMD délivre de nouveaux drivers, les Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.1 Highlights.
Ces derniers offrent une compatibilité totale avec le futur jeu Resident Evil 7: Bio Hazard, ce qui devrait permettre aux cartes AMD d'être performantes avec ce dernier.

AMD nous propose les nouveaux drivers Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.1 Highlights

Fixed Issues

- Dishonored™2 may experience an application crash or hang on some Radeon R9 380 configurations.
- Radeon ReLive may show an improper warning popup message when using Windows®7 basic themes.
- AMD XConnect™ Technology configurations may experience a blue screen system hang when audio drivers load.
- Solidworks™ will no longer terminate on unplug using AMD XConnect™ Technology configurations.
- Some system configurations may experience a black screen after installing Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Editions 16.12.1 and later.
- Display corruption or TDR may be experienced after applications wake up from a display timeout.
- Paragon™ may experience flickering in Multi GPU with DirectX®11.
- Radeon ReLive may crash or become unresponsive when toggling Multi GPU with Desktop Recording and/or Instant Replay enabled.

Suivez la source pour télécharger les drivers Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.1 Highlights.
source : AMD
Marques : AMDRadeon
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Posté le 18 Janvier 2017 à 08:16 par Jonathan Riemain

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