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Bon Plan : Steam vous offre le jeu Polygoneer

Steam nous offre un nouveau jeu, Polygoneer.

" POLYGONEER is an arcade reflex based game. You should defend yourself from polygonal enemies that come from all sides, hitting them with the right color shot, one miss and its the end.

Perfect to play when you want to test or improve your reflexes, or while you are on a queue for another game, this is a small and replayable game. The objectives are to beat the 5 stages, get on top of the leaderboards, unlock achievements and beat personal scores and times.

Test your reflex destroying the enemies using the right color shot in one of the 5 levels (or in the hidden HELL level)."

steam jeugratuitPolygoneer

Le jeu est en Anglais, suivez la source pour l'ajouter à votre bibliothèque.

source : Steam
Marque : Steam
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Posté le 06 Juin 2019 à 12:26 par Jonathan Riemain

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