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Reshade 5.3.0 disponible en téléchargement avec des gains annoncés sous OpenGL et DirectX 12

L'outil Reshade, est désormais disponible en version 5.3.0, outre les classiques corrections de bugs, les développeurs annoncent des gains de performances sous OpenGL et DirectX 12.

Reshade 5.3.0 Release Notes
  • - Added ReShade FX support for writing to different mipmap levels in compute shaders
  • - This includes a new “MipLevel” property on storage objects to set the level it targets and a “GenerateMipMaps” pass state to be able to disable automatic mipmap generation
  • - Added macros to manually include various date and time components in screenshot file names (%DateYear%, %DateMonth%, %DateDay%, %TimeHour%, %TimeMinute%, %TimeSecond%)
  • - Also added option to disable saving current preset on every modification and instead require explicit clicking on the save button (“Save current preset automatically on every modification” checkbox on the Settings page)
  • - Added button to open add-on developer documentation to add-on list in overlay
  • - Added missing D3D12 PIX exports, to support installation as “d3d12.dll” on Windows 11

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Bug fixes:
  • - Fixed crash in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  • - Fixed crash when viewing VR overlay in D3D12 (e.g. F1 22)
  • - Also fixed crash on exit in OpenGL VR games
  • - Fixed crash when “IDirect3DDevice9::Present” is called after device reset failed in D3D9
  • - Fixed hooking in Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
  • - Also fixed hooking when application uses NVIDIA Streamline (e.g. F1 22)
  • - Fixed ReShade not loading in UWP applications
  • - Fixed black screen in Need for Speed Underground 2 when MSAA is active
  • - Also fixed screen darkening when application is using MSAA swap chain in D3D10/11 (e.g. DayZ)
  • - Fixed upside down image in Google Earth VR
  • - Fixed depth buffer detection in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  • - Also fixed copying depth buffer failing sometimes in Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • - Fixed mouse input and input blocking in Gothic (and other games using DirectInput 7)
  • - Fixed add-on loading error code getting overwritten before it is logged

  • - Improved performance in Far Cry 6 (and other D3D12 games)
  • - Improved performance in OpenGL games slightly
  • - Disabled preset save button during preset transition to prevent saving broken preset file
  • - Changed behavior of “execute_command_list” add-on event in D3D9/10/11/OpenGL to be called when immediate command list is flushed (either explicitly with e.g. “ID3D11DeviceContext::Flush” or implicitly during present)
  • - Changed add-on list in overlay to hide version information for add-ons that do not provide any
  • - Changed default screenshot path to a relative path
  • - Removed unnecessary explicit global config saves from add-ons
  • - Removed “Loading image files for textures …” log message

Setup tool:
  • - Preset selection page is now shown when updating an existing installation as well
  • - Fixed crash when invalid path characters are put into the application search text box
  • - Fixed application search for Epic Games Launcher games and when encountering recursive symlinks
  • - Changed setup tool to automatically set file permissions to grant write access to config and preset files

La nouvelle version du logiciel se trouve ici.

source : DSO Gaming
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Posté le 20 Juillet 2022 à 10:35 par Jonathan Riemain

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