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Un patch magique pour le jeu Hogwarts Legacy ?

Le studio Avalanche annonce un patch à destination de son jeu Hogwarts Legacy, il promet une meilleure gestion des shaders, la résolution de soucis de performances avec certains GPUS NVIDIA et un meilleur rendu de la technologie Ray Tracing, alors véritable coup de baguette magique ?
Nos confrères de DSO Gaming constatent que les performances se sont dégradées avec leur carte graphique RTX 4090 et les drops de fps sont toujours d'actualité... Le rendu RTAO est, par contre, désormais de bonne qualité.

jeuvideo hogwartslegacy

Hogwarts Legacy February 14th Update Release Notes
Bug Fixes:
  • - Fixed issues with achievement data being properly pushed to Wizarding World portal after linking.

  • - Owl Mail
  • - World Events
  • - NPC
  • - Characters

  • - Updated localization text for additional content items.
  • - Added Build version to first time EULA.
  • - Fixed rare occurrence of mission descriptions not being displayed correctly.

  • - Corrected VFX presentation of robe transformation.
  • - Fixed a stability issue when skipping cutscenes.
  • - Fixed a crash when playing cutscenes and cinematics.

Save Game
  • - Fixed error of rewriting last autosave slot.
  • - Fixed an issue when restarting from last save around not being able to talk to a vendor after initial conversation. Resolves the following reported issues: HL-494, HL-246, HL-1063, HL-590, HL-542, HL-976, HL-965, HL-1158, HL-1184, HL-1089, HL-1240, HL-1031, HL-1490, HL-1433, HL-89, HL-1930, HL-1086, HL-1636, HL-1585, HL-1028, HL-1933, HL-2606, HL-2062, HL-1587, HL-488, HL-498, HL-162, HL-1706, HL-2626, HL-2865, HL-2888, HL-2804, HL-2910, HL-2944, HL-3000, HL-3043, HL-3024.

Performance and Stability
  • - Improved performance on Fidelity mode.
  • - Fixed rare crash around hovering over the map.
  • - Fixed issue with wind causing distortion and stretching of world assets.
  • - Also fixed a rare occurrence with material swapping.
  • - Fixed a rare crash with map assets state.
  • - Fixed Rare crash occurring with in-game world events.
  • - Also fixed a memory leak with global lighting system HL-313.

PC Steam/PC Epic Games Cinematics
  • - Fixed audio issues missing or not properly playing.

  • - Switch Pro controller support updates HL-346.

  • - Enable frame generation while DLSS is disabled.
  • - Anti-Aliasing and Screen resolution settings disabled when using DLSS and not Super Resolution.

  • - Fixed issue with RTAO looking worse than SSAO.
  • - Adjusted default setting to Medium Quality.

Performance and Stability
  • - Shader type compilation optimization.
  • - Shader compilation performance updates and functionality enhancements.
  • - Fixed a crash affecting Text2Speech usability.
  • - Resolved issues with world assets abruptly being stretched which resolves the following reported issues: HL-305, HL-265.
  • - Resolved an issue with Nvidia GPUs having lower frame rate compared to AMD.

DirectX Version 12
  • - Please note DirectX Version 12 is required to run Hogwarts Legacy on PC. We do not suggest attempting workarounds to run the game with DirectX Version 11 as this can cause stability issues with launching the game and the player experience.

source : DSO Gaming
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Posté le 15 Février 2023 à 12:32 par Jonathan Riemain

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