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Un patch pour Counter-Strike 2

Le célèbre jeu de Valve se met à jour, au menu diverses corrections de bugs, l'agent KSK retrouve sa voix, un nouveau son pour la bombe fait son arrivée...

La mise à jour vous sera automatiquement proposée, lors de l'ouverture de votre launcher Steam.

jeuvideo counterstrike2

  • - Command aliases now leverage subtick accuracy

  • - New sound for final 10 seconds of bomb beeping
  • - Added missing KSK agent voice
  • - Reduced falloff distance of knife impact and swish sounds
  • - Various tweaks and bug fixes around occlusion filters and footstep clarity

[ MISC ]
  • - Fixed missing gamestate integration data regarding flashbangs and damage stats
  • - Fixed a bug where a defused bomb would block the player from swapping to a gun dropped close by
  • - Fixed some cases where players could peek through ceilings
  • - Convar cl_draw_only_deathnotices now blocks match status alerts such as LAST ROUND OF FIRST HALF.
  • - Added a game server command sv_load_forced_client_names_file. Running tournament servers with +sv_load_forced_client_names_file namesfile.txt allows loading a key-values file where client names are enforced to be the tournament registered player names.
  • - Added an additional fallback path for game clients to download network configuration.
  • - Added a game setting cq_netgraph_problem_show_auto that allows players to enable automatic display of network connection issues in top right corner of game HUD.

Marque : Valve
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Posté le 19 October 2023 à 11:15 par Jonathan Riemain

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