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Votre PC fera-t-il mieux tourner Ghost Recon Breakpoint avec l'API Vulkan ? 4 cartes testées

Ghost Recon Breakpoint profite désormais de l'API Vulkan, l'occasion parfaite de redécouvrir les performances in game. Nos confrères de Wccftech ont comparé quatre cartes graphiques dans le jeu, les RX 5500 XT 4 Go, RX 5700 XT, GTX 1650 Super et RTX 2060 Super. Le jeu a été benché en 1080p et en 1440p avec les options graphiques au maximum, Wccftech a comparé les performances avec l'API DirectX 11 et l'API Vulkan.

ghostreconbreakpoint vulkan

"Ghost Recon: Breakpoint launched back at the beginning of October 2019 to little fanfare. Surrounded by controversy in their monetization plans for microtransactioning people to death. That all aside the performance was the part of the game I was most concerned about as the quality of the game's review was up to our gaming gurus. Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was and still is powered by the Anvil Next 2.0, the same engine that powers Assassin's Creed Odyssey (a bit more popular game even by today's standard) and is held back by one major flaw, it's DX11. Time for Breakpoint Vulkan edition!"

source : Wccftech
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Posté le 26 Mars 2020 à 09:45 par Jonathan Riemain


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