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Session beta ouverte pour Chivalry 2, avec le cross-play en ligne de mire

Attendu par de très nombreux joueurs, Chivalry 2 s'offre une nouvelle phase de test en beta, mais cette fois-ci ouverte. Et bonne nouvelle, les joueurs de plusieurs plateformes pourront se taper dessus puisque le but est d'éprouver le cross-play PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One et Xbox Series. Autant dire qu'il risque d'y avoir du monde !

Cette session, qui se tiendra du 27 mai à 17 heures (UTC+2) au 1er juin même heure, avec une mise en ligne du client pour jouer le 26 mai à 17 heures.

Et visiblement, le studio de développement voit les choses en grand pour cette beta, en atteste les nombreuses possibilités offertes.


  • - The Slaughter of Coxwell (New Team Objective Map): The Mason Order seeks to make a brutal example of the peaceful village of Coxwell after it declared support for Argon II. Burn the village, breach the gate, steal the gold, and kill the soldiers.
  • - The Battle of Darkforest (New Team Objective Map): Agathian forces lie in wait, ready to ambush the Mason army that marches forth to kill the Duke of Fogbern Keep. Destroy the barricade, push the convoy, capture and hold the gatehouse, and kill the Duke.
  • - The Siege of Rudhelm (Team Objective Map): After weeks of siege, Agathian forces begin a final assault upon a Mason stronghold defended by the Mason heir. Push the siege towers, capture and hold the gatehouse, burn the tents, push the siege ramps, capture and hold the courtyard, and take down the heir to achieve victory.
  • - The Battle of Wardenglade (Team Deathmatch/FFA Map): The armies of the Mason Order and Agathian Knights meet in an evenly matched open field of battle.
  • - Tournament Grounds (Team Deathmatch/FFA Map): Elite warriors of the Mason Order and the Agathian Knights fight for supremacy and adoration of the crowd.
  • - Free-for-All (New for Open Beta): It’s you versus everyone else in this chaotic free-for-all gamemode appearing for the first time in the Cross-Play Open Beta.
  • - Full Customization (New for Open Beta): Customize your in-game appearance and unlock a wide variety of cosmetic options as you earn experience with each of the game’s four base classes and 12 sub-classes.
  • - Duel Servers (New for Open Beta): Available for PC only, players can choose to enter special servers set up for players looking to hone their 1-on-1 dueling skills with other players. Participants are asked to abide by the honor system and respect players aiming to focus on 1-on-1 duels.
  • - 64/40 Player Server Options (New for Open Beta): Experience the chaos of epic medieval battlefields, charge forth to the frontlines of battle, and experience true mass-scale combat supporting up to 64-players designed to capture the intensity and scope of “The Battle of the Bastards” from Game of Thrones. For players interested in more strategic battles requiring more communication and teamwork, options to join 40-player servers for Team Objective mode will also be available.
  • - Same Platform Parties (New for Open Beta): Players can now group up and form a party on the same platform before joining a Cross-Play match.
NOTE to console players: PlayStation users will be able to access the Open Beta for free, without a PlayStation Plus subscription required. Xbox users will require an Xbox Live Gold subscription to play the Open Beta.

Sur PC, le titre est disponible en précommande chez Epic Games Store.

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Posté le 19 Mai 2021 à 08:38 par Sébastien Vandeborre

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