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Combat de chefs : AMD Ryzen 5700X versus Intel Core i7 12700F

Quel processeur choisir entre le AMD Ryzen 5700X et le Intel Core i7 12700F ? Le site Techspot tente de répondre à cette épineuse question par le biais d'un long test, les processeurs sont soumis à 23 jeux, couplés à deux cartes graphiques, les RX 6600 XT et RX 6950 XT.

Le test est consultable ici.

corei712700f ryzen5700x

It's time to compare the Ryzen 7 5700X against the Core i7-12700F, two relatively affordable and powerful 8-core CPUs. Now, we know the Intel processor costs a little bit more, and we're sure some will argue that the Core i5-12600KF is possibly a "fairer" matchup, but this was heavily requested so let's see what's what between these two for now.

As of writing, Intel's 12700F can be had for $310, whereas the 5700X is slightly cheaper at $285, or about a 9% premium for the Intel CPU. In other regions like Australia, the 5700X typically retails for $425 and the 12700F $480 (AUD), which is slightly steeper for the Intel part, but your mileage will undoubtedly vary.

Marques : IntelAMD
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Posté le 19 Juillet 2022 à 10:49 par Jonathan Riemain

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