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Patch Battle for Middle Earth

Le patch tant attendu par les fans du Seigneur des Anneaux : La Bataille pour la Terre du Milieu vient de sortir.

Pour les changements:
  • Northern Ithilien
  • Black Gate
  • Eaves of Fangorn

  • ADDED COMMUNICATOR - By hitting Ctrl+Enter anywhere in the Online Menu, even in an online match, you can bring up the new communicator. This utility will let you add, remove, and chat with users that you choose to make your friends.

  • Drummer Troll now recharges health when it reaches level 2
  • The damage radius for the Mordor Catapult's skull upgrade has been increased
  • Ents now take more damage from slash and pierce attacks

  • QUICK MATCH TWEAKS - 1v1 matches are now limited to 1v1 maps, and 2v2 matches are nowlimited to 2v2 maps. 2v2 maps will no longer be able to be played in 1v1 matches, and 3v3 maps will no longer be able to be played in 2v2 matches.

    ONLINE CHEATS & EXPLOITS - Addressed all known online cheats and money/special power hacks.

    MISC. BUG FIXES - Addressed some network code issues, as well as other multiplayer and single-player bugs.

Pour le patch en français c'est par ici (16.71 Mo)

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Posté le 03 Février 2005 à 10:25 par lelyon

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