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Le jeu Skyrim plus beau que jamais grâce à l'Unreal Engine 5

L'artiste Christian Gomm a décidé d'offrir une refonte graphique au village Riverwood, issu du jeu The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. Son travail se base sur le moteur graphique Unreal Engine 5. De quoi vous donner envie d'un remake complet ?

skyrim unrealengine5

skyrim unrealengine5

This is an environment I’ve been using to work on my photogrammetry workflow. It contains a mixture of my own photoscanned assets and materials, megascans and my own substance materials. The pine trees were made by me using Speed Tree, and the Spruce trees were from an unreal market asset pack.

It took me a few days to create the majority of the environment. But, I’ve been slowly adding to it as I create new photoscans, including many of the stumps and logs, all but one of the stone surfaces, some bark materials and foliage pieces. Almost all of the assets in the scene have nanite enabled and range in polycount from 100,000 to 15 million triangles.
source : Artstation
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Posté le 28 Décembre 2021 à 10:25 par Jonathan Riemain

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