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Monster Hunter Rise passe en 3.9.0 sur PC et Switch, what's up ?

Amis chasseurs de monstres, Monster Hunter Rise passera demain en version 3.9.0 sur PC et Nintendo Switch. Au menu, notons quelques corrections bienvenues, mais aussi de nouvelles quêtes ainsi que la prise en charge du prochain DLC concernant un pack de voix pour les chasseurs et chasseuses. Ce pack sera également disponible demain.


  • - New Event Quests will be available every week.
  • - New DLC can be purchased from Nintendo eShop.
  • - When changing the direction of the Toadversary at the Training Area, the text usually turns yellow, but if the player changes another option after that, the "direction" text would sometimes turn back to white. This has been fixed.
  • - Fixed a bug preventing the "Utsushi Cut" hairstyle from being displayed properly when combined with certain head armor.
  • - Fixed a bug preventing forelocks from being displayed properly when equipping the head armor of the Orion layered armor series.
  • - Fixed a bug with the display of the Azure Age Sleeve on Body Type 2.
  • - Fixed a bug causing the "Rampage Twinblades I" to be displayed in the opposite direction if the players uses a whetstone after equipping them.
  • - Fixed a bug very briefly causing the player's upper body to turn in an unnatural direction when another player uses Wyvern's Fire during Multiplayer.
  • - Fixed a bug preventing other players from accessing certain facilities if the Host is disconnected because no controller inputs were made for a certain amount of time.
  • - Fixed various text bugs.
  • - Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
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Posté le 23 Février 2022 à 12:52 par Sébastien Vandeborre

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