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Un nouveau patch pour les successeurs de Batman dans le jeu Gotham Knights

Le jeu Gotham Knights profite d'un nouveau patch, ce dernier se téléchargera automatiquement lors du lancement de votre launcher. On nous annonce diverses améliorations, gestion du V-Sync, du HDR, correction de bugs avec certains CPUs et GPUs...

Gotham Knights February 14th Update Release Notes
  • - Several fixes for crashes in the Open World
  • - Fix for the crash related to using Fast Travel Points
  • - Fix for the crash that could happen when returning to the main menu
  • - Additional fix for the crash that could happen when using the Text-to-Speech functionality in some options.

jeuvideo gothamknights

  • - Rendering performance improvements
  • - Smoothed out delta time fluctuations with and without V-SYNC
  • - Streaming time improvements
  • - Optimized actor spawn time and performance
  • - Various GPU and CPU hitches reduction

  • - Fix to HDR being improperly set on the not-primary monitor
  • - Tweaked scalability settings for graphics settings auto-detection.
  • - Fix for some materials being improperly displayed when the anti-aliasing is disabled.
  • - Added GPU driver check.
  • - Several minor fixes to the NVIDIA Ansel mode.
  • - Fix for the post-processing options being improperly reset after exiting from the Photo Mode.
  • - Several fixes for the shadows being improperly displayed.
  • - Fix for some graphical artifacts that could be visible during the Clayface boss battle.

  • - Controller updates for dual sense and xbox

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Posté le 17 Février 2023 à 10:26 par Jonathan Riemain

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