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Elden Ring : un patch 1.09 qui apporte la technologie Ray Tracing

Le studio FromSoftware Inc. a déployé le patch 1.09 pour son jeu star Elden Ring, outre quelques corrections de bugs et rééquilibrage d'armes, ce dernier apporte la technologie Ray Tracing à la version PC du jeu. Malheureusement, le studio n'a pas prévu de technologie d'uspcaling, en complément, afin d'atténuer l'éventuelle chute de fps..

Elden Ring Patch 1.09 Release Notes
  • - Added an invincibility window when respawning in the colosseum.
  • - Increased the scaling of the following attributes when infusing weapons with certain Ashes of War:
    • - Magic / Fire / Flame Art / Lightning / Sacred
  • - Increased the attribute scaling of the following weapon types:
    • - Colossal Sword / Great Axe / Hammer / Flail / Great Hammer / Colossal Weapon
  • - Increased the speed, range and recovery time of some attacks for the following weapon types:
    • - Great Hammer / Great Axe / Great Sword / Curved Greatsword
  • - Flail weapons changes:
    • - Increased the speed of some attacks.
    • - Reduced attack recovery time.
    • - Increased poise when using two-handed attacks.

    jeuvideo eldenring

  • -Increased running attacks speed and reduced attack recovery time for the following weapon types:
    • - Straight Sword / Curved Sword / Katana / Twinblade Sword / Axe / Hammer / Halberd
  • -Increased the first attack speed for the following weapon types:
    • - Straight Sword / Curved Sword / Whip
  • -Increased the speed of guard counters for the following weapon types:
    • - Straight Sword / Great Sword / Colossal Sword / Great Curved Sword / Katana / Twinblade Sword / Axe / Great Axe / Flail / Great
    • -Hammer / Spear / Great Spear / Halberd
  • -Reduced the attack recovery time for Whip weapons.
  • -Increased the damage of Claw weapons.
  • -Added Holy damage and Faith scaling to the Great Club.
  • -Increased damage negation when blocking Holy damage and decreased damage negation when blocking damage from other affinities.
  • -Increased the effectiveness of the Twinblade Talisman.
  • -Slightly reduced rolling travel distance for light equipment weights.
  • -Decreased the hitbox size for some attacks of the following weapon types:
    • - Thrusting Sword / Heavy thrusting Sword / Spear / Great Spear / Halberd
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Posté le 24 Mars 2023 à 10:21 par Jonathan Riemain

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