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Bethesda évoque le futur du jeu Starfield : FSR3 et XeSS en approche !

Bethesda évoque le futur de son jeu Starfield dans un post sur Reddit. Le studio assure écouter le retour des joueurs et prévoit une mise à jour majeur en début d'année 2024, qui inclura de nombreuses corrections, le FSR 3 et le XeSS.
Bethesda évoque, également, l'ajout de nouveautés, telles que des cartes de villes, de nouveaux moyens de déplacement, où dans le domaine la prise en charge des mods...


Hey everyone, first, we read all the feedback here and greatly appreciate it and all the time and thought you put into the game. This small update was to mostly address the “pet-asteroid" so many asked about following our last larger update, and we wanted to get that out before the holiday.

We’ve been hard at work on many of the issues you’ve posted, and expect an update early next year that will include a large number of “in-progress” quest fixes as well as FSR3 and XeSS. Though we fixed several quest issues from occurring, in-progress quest fixes are much harder to fix and we’ve built a new system to correct those without you having to roll back your save.

We’re also hard at work on many of new features you asked for, from city maps, to mod support, to all new ways of traveling (stay tuned!). These will be rolling out with a regular cadence of fixes and updates we expect to have roughly every six weeks. If something can be done in a smaller hotfix in between (like the asteroid), and we feel it’s safe, we’ll get one of those out as well. Safe is the key here. We do take a lot of time to test even the smallest change in a game this large and dynamic.

Hope this information helps. If there are items you want more info on, or issues to make us aware of, keep posting here or our official Discord. Thanks again for all your support of us and the game.

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Posté le 13 Décembre 2023 à 08:37 par Jonathan Riemain

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