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iX2 Invasion case, the complet review, page 3

A case that stands out from the crowd
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Publié le 30 Juin 2008
Page: 3/7

The side panels, and all the rest of the case, are made from two sheets of 1 mm thick aluminium. A 2 mm thick layer of plastic joins these two sheets together. This process, already used on the iX1, keeps the panels rigid but also allows them to be given the form required. In addition to the textured surface which we have already seen on the prototype we now also have an iX logo which is cut out to reveal a honeycombed grill; an interesting and very stylish way of bringing a little more cool air into the unit. The drilled out holes are still in evidence, again in order to maximize heat dissipation. These holes are along the bevelled edges. On the top there are 6, then 5 on the next edge, then 4, then 3. We find the rounded form again at the back of the panels, and the curved edges which again enhance the style.

Now for the back: although this part is less visible we still find the vintage finish, so the unit is the same from all angles. From a technical point of view we find: a site for a standard PSU, a ventilation grill for an 80 mm fan, a site for the mother board ports, 7 extension slots and the blank for the screws of the other cards, which has been simplified and is more practical. So the back remains more or less standard, but it has completely lost its second fan position in favour of the other forms of ventilation which are now included.

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Marque : Invasion