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Le jeu Shadow Warrior 3 profite d'un premier patch

Le studio Flying Wild Hog vient de déployer un premier patch pour son jeu Shadow Warrior 3, environ une semaine après sa sortie officielle. Le téléchargement sera automatique, lors de l'ouverture de votre launcher. Ce patch promet d'améliorer la fluidité, la stabilité, de corriger des bugs audios, ainsi que des soucis rencontrés avec des PNJ dans certaines missions.

jeuvideo shadowwarrior3

Shadow Warrior 3 Patch 1.01 Release Notes
  • - Fixed issue with the raccoon not running away in sequence at Motoko Cave level after respawn. The Raccoon will now run faster than ever!
  • - Fixed too late ending of Raft sequence at Avalanche level which often caused the death of player. We’ve seen a lot of players having issues with the raft, hopefully with this change done to it the raft will not cause any more headaches to the player base.
  • - Also fixed a bunch of audio issues. A lot of complaints regarding the music volume not being high enough, well we’ve cracked it up to 11 in this patch.
  • - Fixed several crashes. A lot of the crashes reported have now been fixed in the new build, if you by any chance encounter crash after the update, please make sure to verify the game files
  • - Improved save data stability. There should be no more corrupted save data, or at least the chance of such issue occurring has been put to a minimum.
  • - Optimization across levels for a smoother experience
  • - Various French localization fixes.

source : DSO Gaming
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Posté le 09 Mars 2022 à 15:20 par Jonathan Riemain

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