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Mise à jour 3.91 pour No Man's Sky et son Expédition Léviathan

Nouvelle petite mise à jour pour No Man's Sky, dont le but est de corriger les quelques bugs rencontrés dernièrement avec le Léviathan. Le jeu passe donc en version 3.91, avec un changelog assez réduit. Et nous n'allons pas nous en plaindre, loin de là !


  • - Fixed an issue that could cause the player to load inside their ship in the Space Station.
  • - Fixed an issue that could cause the player to be unable to progress the time loop during the Leviathan expedition if they were not connected to the discovery servers.
  • - During the Leviathan expedition, players who fall into space will no longer die, but instead be placed in a safe location (as in creative or permadeath modes).
  • - Fixed an issue that could cause Memory Fragments to be consumed but fail to award any items, if the player’s inventory was full.
  • - Fixed an issue that could cause previous expedition saves to be converted to Survival rather than Normal mode after the end of the expedition.
  • - Fixed an issue that could cause items to be deposited into technology inventories.
  • - Fixed an issue that could prevent players from collecting the final reward from an expedition while there were incomplete optional milestones.
  • - Fixed an issue that could prevent progress on The Anchor milestone in the Leviathan expedition.
  • - Fixed a memory-related crash on Xbox Series S.
  • - Fixed a physics crash.
  • - Fixed a crash related to despawning bases.
  • - Fixed a crash that could occur when maxing out freighter inventory slots.
  • - Fixed a GPU crash on PlayStation 5.
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Posté le 01 Juin 2022 à 08:51 par Sébastien Vandeborre

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